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dee Clarke Justice Fellowship

We envision a future where all Maine people can access and belong in the spaces where policy decisions are made so that those decisions are made by and with those who are most directly impacted.

dee Clarke

To help achieve this vision, the dee Clarke Justice Fellowship (dCJF) provides opportunities to learn about research, policy, and community engagement and to create more positive outcomes for historically marginalized communities in Maine.

In this work we value being Accessible, Empowering, Supportive, Inspiring, and Inclusive.

The fellowship is named in honor of former Commissioner dee Clarke. dee, who served in the seat for an organization that focuses on housing or homelessness, let her lived experience guide her work with Homeless Voices for Justice and Survivors Speak USA (SSUSA). For more than 20 years, dee organized, educated and empowered adults and youth to speak out for public policy that affects their lives. She organized groups to march, demonstrate, collaborate, dialogue, create, to have and give voice, and to be at the table of decision-makers. dee founded SSUSA in 2015, following her personal 2014 testimony to the Maine Human Rights Commission. dee’s experiences with Maine’s burgeoning anti-trafficking movement sharpened her belief that survivors must be the ones driving solutions. dee was known for her diplomacy and grace, from meeting with governors and legislators to interacting directly with fellow survivors.

On October 31, 2021, dee passed away at the age of 64. Taken too soon, dee left an indelible mark on the Permanent Commission, Maine policy making and advocacy, and countless people whose lives were made better because of her fearless love and compassion.

What we do

Advance the mission and work of the Permanent Commission through self-designed community-based projects.

The dee Clarke Justice Fellowship (dCJF) is a program co-facilitated by the Permanent Commission and the University of Southern Maine, Place Matters project and our community partners. 

This fellowship program aims to provide a supportive learning environment where a small cohort of fellows will develop skills, connect with positive professional mentors, and complete a self-designed project that aligns with the mission of the Permanent Commission.

The goals of this program include:

  • Advancing the mission and work of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Racial, Indigenous and Tribal Populations in the state of Maine through self-designed community-based projects centered on racial justice.
  • Providing an opportunity for historically-marginalized and systems-impacted people to develop professional and leadership skills while exploring and strengthening professional experiences, advocating for justice, and public policy.
  • Empowering fellows to participate in research, policy work, and community engagement in and with their communities in a supportive and inspiring learning environment.
  • Enhancing professional connections to mentors and role models working in a range of civic and policy positions statewide and in local communities.
Who the fellowship is for

The program is an introduction to research and policy work and will support approximately 4 fellows annually from September-May in part-time positions to learn and work on projects of their choice that are aligned with the mission of the Permanent Commission. We wish to support a diverse group of fellows from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We value lived experiences as well as educational and work experiences and encourage all who are interested to apply or reach out to ask if it is right for you.

We strongly encourage individuals from all identities and backgrounds to apply even if their qualifications do not match exactly (including BIPOC, LGBTQ+ people, and those who may have experience with homelessness, criminal legal system involvement, individuals in recovery, experience with school exclusion, or other systemic oppression). 

What the fellows do

Participate in research, policy work, and community engagement in a supportive and inspiring learning environment.

The fellowship program is designed to provide fellows with a foundational understanding of skills in research, policy, community engagement, and leadership, and guide them in designing and implementing a self-designed project. We strive to utilize an intersectional, collaborative approach to learning that is supportive of the individuals and the diverse needs of the cohort group. In the lessons, we aim to foster connections and build relationships as we learn from one another throughout the program. Fellows will:

  • Complete group and individual trainings throughout the program and participate in a supportive peer learning environment.
  • Learn and build skills related to applied research, policy, Design and implement an individual project, with guidance from mentors, in the area of research, policy, or community engagement that aligns with the mission of the Permanent Commission.
  • Meet regularly with mentors, program managers, and peer group to share updates and troubleshoot any challenges in your project work.
  • Connect with mentors and other professionals for professional development purposes.
Join the 2024 - 2025 Fellowship Cohort

Build professional connections to Maine civics and policy leaders.

We are accepting applications for our 2024-2025 cohort which will run from September 10, 2024- May 30, 2025. 

Please join us for one of our information sessions if you would like to learn more and ask questions. 

  • In-Person: Portland Empowered is hosting an informational session on July 23rd, from 4pm to 6pm at the University of Southern Maine, Portland Campus. The event will be in room 133 in the Wishcamper Center. No need to rsvp to attend.
  • Online: Join us for an online session on July 25th from 12pm to 1:30pm on Zoom. No need to rsvp. Just click here to join the session.
Click here to apply